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LAtest NEws

The Ancient Art of Sage Smudging: A Spiritual Journey

The Ancient Art of Sage Smudging: A Spiritual Journey Introduction: In a world bustling with [...]

Machhmani | Machh Mani | Meen mukta| माछ मणि |मच्छ मणि के लाभ|अदभुत मणि राहु ग्रह बाधा निवारण|Heal Effects of Rahu.

#healwithsandeep #meditatewisdom #meditate #wisdom #tarot #Rahu Maachhmani Machh mani Hello everyone, today I will be [...]

Kamakhya|kamiya sindhoor benefits

Kamakhya sindhoor. Kamiya sindhoor helps in increasing kundli jagran. Enhances the power of the third [...]


Ancient vastushastra provides us the knowledge to gain money success and happiness. Its a knowledge [...]

Best fast weight loss food

We always look for food that keep you fill so that you eat less, after [...]

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Lock down Time Meditation time.

Now a day people at home bored and lifestyle become very unhealthy sleeping and eating.All [...]

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